What Are the Factors that Determine a Car Accident Claim?

Car Accident Claim

There is no reason for you to delay the process of filing a claim for compensation if you got injured in a car accident due to someone else’s fault. Even if you were partially responsible for the car accident, you’re still entitled to compensation. However, it is also true that while you can get compensation, insurance companies will try everything in their power to dismiss your compensation claim. That’s what the insurance companies are infamous for doing. Although, you need not worry if you have a lawyer from Freeburg Law by your side.

While an attorney can help you for sure with your compensation claims, there are a few things to keep in mind that can affect your claim.

Recovery time:

The time it takes for the victim to recover from the injuries is one of the most important factors that can affect the time it would take for a claim to settle. Why is that? This is because unless the victim is fully recovered, there is no way of knowing how much was spent on medical expenses and what were the other associated costs. You wouldn’t even be able to predict future expenses unless the victim recovered.

Nature of the injuries:

Another important factor is the intensity of the injuries. If the accident led to severe injuries that made the victim go into a comatose state, or if the victim lost a limb, it can take a while for the claim to settle. Moreover, such cases will require extensive investigation, which may take more time.

Determining fault:

While some roads have CCTV cameras, others don’t. So it does get a little challenging for some cases to figure out who was more liable for the accident. It’s mature for the involved parties to point their fingers at each other, but that is not enough to determine who was more responsible. These investigations are also time taking. Moreover, one must take the time to determine liability since the amount of compensation also depends on the percentage of liability.

Final thoughts:

Settling compensation claims is time-consuming. Moreover, while it is true that there are statutes of limitations, you should not be in a hurry to settle your claim as this would lead to you taking lowball offers or missing out on important factors. Get in touch with a personal injury lawyer today to learn more.