The Best Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy

Auto Accident

Accidents at workplaces can turn life upside down for both the employee and his teammates. Working in an accident-prone workspace like heavy machinery factories, power plants, and construction sites can become life-threatening with the slightest human error in taking safety measures. While adhering to safety protocols remains the highest priority, it becomes the employer’s responsibility to ensure financial assistance if any accident occurs. This is where a Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy plays a significant role.

Although such workgroups get covered under general health insurance by default upon recruitment, accidents are not covered by general health insurance policies. Be it an MNC or a startup. Risks are equal in both cases in laborious workspaces. Moreover, accidents can also occur to corporate employees who have recently shifted from their “Work From Home” lifestyles to joining physical offices. They might face accidents on their way to the office or while returning. This, too, comes under the duty hours. A default group accident insurance policy will help in such situations.

What is the Best Coverage from a Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy?

A Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy for a group of closely working for employee team or coworkers is the best financial assistance a company can provide. With Plum Insurance’s innovative group insurance policies, you can ensure your teammates the following coverage:

  • Accident Cover: Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere. In such cases, workers can put their dependent family members or spouse as nominees for a death benefit cover under this accident insurance policy. This makes them eligible to get 100% of the insured money in a lump sum to the family or mentioned nominee of the deceased as compensation for their loss.
  • Combined Coverage Package: A good combination of benefits from group accident and group health insurance policies under a single insurance coverage can be offered to the employees. This ensures the best use of all the needful benefits from health and accident insurance. Expenses on road ambulances can also be covered under such a scheme. This provides a sense of well-being at work and encourages better performance on daily tasks.
  • Disability Coverage: There might be accidents that can change someone’s life enough to make one disabled for a long time, or worse, permanently. People who work in physically harsh environments like factories, power plants, godowns, or construction sites are always exposed to the possibility of life-threatening accidents. While this can be traumatising enough, the accident cover for such disabilities can be a relief to the extreme financial trauma in the patient’s life.
  • Weekly Compensation: A group accident policy provides the benefit of weekly financial compensation to employees who are temporarily disabled or bedridden due to an accident. It can cover for recovery treatments like physiotherapy and trauma care. This helps reduce their financial anxiety during such stressful situations and gives them mental peace and rest. A reminder that their expenses are being covered weekly, brings in calmness and helps them recover better and faster.
  • Child Care: Employees having kids or teenagers can suffer a lot of distractions at work planning for their child’s proper upbringing. In cases of such accidents, a guardian can become sufficiently anxious about the medical expenses incurred and the disruption in their child’s education. A group insurance policy provides for an insured person’s child’s education to help them focus on their recovery better.
  • Hospitalisation Expenses: Due to the increasing inflation in medical expenses, it becomes quite stressful when long hospital bills are topped with the financial trauma incurred due to the accident of an actively earning member. Compromising in a common ward can further affect the recovery time of a patient. During such challenging times, the group accident policy comes in handy to overcome this trauma by reimbursing for the hospital bills.
  • Bone Safety Coverage: Bone fractures are the most common type of injury caused by a road or work field accident. Employees working in godowns, factories, or construction fields are constantly exposed to chances of getting a limp or two broken due to a fall or heavy machinery mishandling. Plum Insurance’s group accident policy covers the financial inconvenience caused by such minor or major fractures to ensure the affected part gets the required rest for faster recovery without significant financial stress.
  • Transportation of Mortal Remains: The worst kind of nightmare for any human being but, sadly, highly prone while working in a hazardous work field is spot-death in an accident. Such an event can put immense pressure on both the family and the coworkers of the deceased. The least Plum Insurance can do during such a mishap is provide apt financial support for transporting the remains to a cremation or burial ground. This also calls for the complete disbursal of the insurance amount to the deceased’s family or nominees.

Take Away

Accidents can occur anytime and anywhere. Whether you are careful enough to avoid bad circumstances, accidents can always get the best of you. It is always better to stay prepared for the worst and stay covered under a Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy to ensure a steady workflow. With Plum, give your employees and teammates the best insurance cover benefits at work.